Monday, March 14, 2016

My Personal Ten Commandments

I've been reading a lot of Gretchen Rubin lately. She combines self-help with personal narrative in a really engaging voice, and I greatly admire her drive and discipline (two things I have never had in spades). I loved her classifications for people in Better Than Before. For example, I am an Obliger, Lark, Sprinter, Abstainer, Overbuyer, Finisher, and Simplicity Lover.

I also love the four Foundation Habits she outlines in the book: sleep, movement, eating healthy, and housekeeping. My big resolution for 2016 is SELF-CARE so these are like duh! As a wife and mother, I have to work hard to make myself a priority. It isn't easy to think of my needs and definitely doesn't come naturally. Focusing on the big four Foundation Habits - especially sleep - has made a big difference for me so far this year.

One exercise from The Happiness Project that I just undertook was to make my own Personal Commandments.

1. Be Becca.
2. There is only love.
3. Trust in abundance.
4. Act the way I want to feel.
5. Be a spiritual being.
6. Do only things that will make me feel better in the long run.
7. Radiate kindness.
8. Offer myself grace.
9. It is all input.
10. Bloom where I am planted.